Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Down Day.

There's something missing. Is it the fact that I've been sick a lot? Is it the feeling like I've lost a part of my life - all the things I used to love to do? Is it what happened last year?

I feel like I'm in a cloud. It's the headache that won't go away. The constant feeling that something is wrong - or I've lost something very important. Me? Is it me that I'm missing?

"Be you. Find you. Be happy with that."

That's hitting me lately... that sentence I saw on Lizzy K's blog. Who am I? Where am I? Where am I going? Is it the fact that I'm not doing anything I thought I would? I thought that maybe what I was missing was children, but now I feel like maybe that's not it at all - like if I had kids, it wouldn't make a difference in this area of my life.

I feel stifled, trapped. I just want to feel better. I want my health to be better. I feel like if I were feeling better, i could do the things I want to do, be the person I want and need to be. How do I get there?

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